all postcodes in CM16 / EPPING

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM16 5AA 19 0 51.700821 0.112146
CM16 5AB 17 0 51.702958 0.112318
CM16 5AD 36 0 51.702316 0.11252
CM16 5AH 17 0 51.702004 0.111157
CM16 5AJ 26 0 51.70257 0.110404
CM16 5AL 34 0 51.702548 0.111098
CM16 5AP 40 0 51.703652 0.114218
CM16 5AR 35 0 51.704747 0.11382
CM16 5AS 37 0 51.703743 0.112659
CM16 5AT 49 0 51.703674 0.110485
CM16 5AU 21 0 51.705017 0.112327
CM16 5AX 28 0 51.704675 0.11085
CM16 5BA 11 0 51.70385 0.111709
CM16 5BH 23 0 51.705538 0.112352
CM16 5BJ 44 0 51.704488 0.109741
CM16 5BN 4 0 51.70502 0.111647
CM16 5BP 9 0 51.705855 0.111715
CM16 5BS 19 0 51.706407 0.111524
CM16 5BW 8 0 51.705621 0.110749
CM16 5DA 9 0 51.697782 0.10837